Wednesday, December 22, 2010

car4Christmas ---a organization

Cars4Christmas is a not-for-profit organization in America that provides free basic transportation to disadvantaged individuals who are not able to obtain it on their own.  see  the video below.

Cars4Christmas Home page video from Terry Franz on Vimeo.

give gifts to your car for Christmas

Christmas is coming~~(although we are in the summer). But i heard that snow's down to a mountain recently,that's great!

Going shopping for Xmas is the biggest deal now,while do you also give Xmas gifts to your car or cars ?   look at these pictures? have u got some thing in mind now?

No.1   The classic idea to garland the vehicle with lamps.
No.2 looks lia snow car?

No.3  Put all gifts inside of the car

No.4   or outside of the car?

No.5  Make SUVs and snowmobile together

No.6 simple but ...great!!!

No.7 even nothing you got, a spray bottle also can be used.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

all these cute cars attracts u?

i can see many people driving this car on the road.

2006 Mini Cooper
you must know this .

About Mazda concept car

Mazda concept car for 2008,which looks like a batman...

This is the vedio about the Mazda concept car in action in north American which presented above .

Monday, December 20, 2010

Interesting car ads

This advertisement is funny that the robber said he will shot the R8 rather than the woman and the police put his gun down.

This vedio shows throught hands rather than traditional  car ads using by their cars,It highlights their handmaked cars are better than other cars which maked by machines.